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Week 10 Discussion 1 and 2_Strategic Purchasing and Logistics

Week 10 Discussion 1 and 2_Strategic Purchasing and Logistics

Q Week 10 DQ Operational and Financial Performance Measurement - Discussion 1 If you have participated in a Value Chain or other financial assessment of a company's logistics network, please describe the outcomes of that evaluation. If you have not, please describe a process that you are familiar with and discuss what functions are being performed that do not seem to add economic value. Aggregate planning is described as a process of developing, analyzing, and maintaining a schedule of the overall operations for a supply chain. Other evaluation tools and planning technique are describe in this week's readings. Is aggregate planning the best approach to use for evaluating supply chain performance, or is another one better?

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Value Chain can be defined as the method in which a variety of events. The activities include production, distribution and designing which is needed to market the product successfully. One advantage of Value chain is to decrease the cost and increase the profits. The value chain also determines how to take the company towards the path of profit maximization. In a value chain all the activities are listed which includes the starting of production to ending of final product which will go to the customer.